Parents, I understand that when explaining to a child a devastating statement it can be challenging, but it is also hard on you as the adult. Guardians/parents worry about their child and try to protect them from the pain in life, but who is helping you deal with the pain in your life after hearing a devastating statement?
It can be stressful worrying about your child, but you are also important and need attention and care, as much a child. Therapy is recommended to help examine and relinquish all hidden anger or other emotions that have been bottled up for a period of time. After you tell your child the bad news and comforting them, seek help for yourself. You are just as important as the next person in the world. We are all human and need attention and patience, but after hearing something that can emotionally affect someone, most calm emotions are forgotten. There are ways to help recover over a period of time without having to worry about your family or friends interfering. There are support groups and meetings that can help a person regain their strength, or if you prefer to stay anonymous, there are hot-lines that can help and are open 24/7.
Bravery is allowing ourselves to feel pain to prevent someone else’s pain.
— Lisa Stroyan